Easily build a community around your content to grow more loyal customers
Engage your students in meaningful conversations and add even more value to your online courses
Fully integrated with your Thinkific site
Community members are automatically added (or removed) based on enrollments in your Thinkific content — no more manually adding and removing people.
Assign community memberships however you like
Link community enrollment with either specific courses, bundles, or memberships, or create a site-wide Community to allow any of your students access to a single space.
Your own branded community
Just like everything you build with Thinkific, your brand is the star, with no outside distractions. Choose colours and key imagery, plus host your Communities on your own custom domain, without the noise and distractions of social platforms.
Introducing Communities from Thinkific
Built on a platform you can trust
Thinkific is trusted by over 40,000 course creators, and unlike social media platforms, you control all the content that appears in your community. No ads, no tracking, no spam.
Communities are available now on Pro plans and above
Jeven Dovey, uses Communities to communicate with his students in one place, seamlessly integrating with his existing education experience
Easily build a community around your content to grow more loyal customers
Communities are available now on Pro plans and above
Copyright Thinkific 2019
Copyright Thinkific 2018
Grow your business how you want with different types of communities
A single community for all your students
Create a central place to interact with your students (and for them to interact with eachother). Answer questions, troubleshoot problems, and build a tribe around your brand.
Course-specific communities
Share information and updates directly related to your course material and allow students to interact and engage around a specific topic.
Membership-specific communities
Gate community access around membership (including specific tiers) and create a value-added space for your students that they won’t want to miss.
Communities let you engage your students in meaningful conversations that help drive engagement and keep your students around longer.
“Communities is the perfect way to keep the conversation going with your students without leaving your site.
It gives your students direct access to you and provides a learning environment where they are free from distractions that come up when you’re building out groups on other platforms.”
Jeven Dovey
Adventure Filmmaker & YouTuber
Jeven Dovey, uses Communities to communicate with his students in one place, seamlessly integrating with his existing education experience
“Communities is the perfect way to keep the conversation going with your students without leaving your site.
It gives your students direct access to you and provides a learning environment where they are free from distractions that come up when you’re building out groups on other platforms.”
Jeven Dovey
Adventure Filmmaker & YouTuber